Emma Wallace explores a cross-sectional study finding that suicide attempts can happen outside of those with a psychiatric ...
Lorna Staines discusses a longitudinal population-based study examining the risks of using psychedelics in a naturalistic ...
Updated systematic review of experiences of compulsory treatment builds the case for legal reform to be grounded in lived ...
Monika Raniti and Jennifer Dam summarise the results of a systematic review finding that school connectedness can prevent suicide ideation in adolescents.
In her debut blog, Emma Wallace explores a recent US cross-sectional study, which suggests an exclusive focus on the mental ...
Jill is Professor of Mental Health and Capacity Law at Edinburgh Napier University where she leads the Centre for Mental Health Practice Policy and Law Research. Her areas of research and expertise ...
Una Foye is mental health researcher, who has worked at King’s since early 2019. She completed her PhD at Ulster University exploring the role of emotional intelligence when understanding eating ...
Belle Boland (she/they) is a Youth Peer Worker at Orygen, working on a research project based in a primary care service, and a Peer Worker at Austin Health’s adolescent psychiatric inpatient unit and ...
Nicola is an associate professor of mental health nursing in a joint role between Northumbria University and Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust. In her role, she supports the ...
Dr Jennifer Dam is a researcher and project manager based in Melbourne, Australia. She holds a PhD in behavioural science (knowledge translation) and is passionate about research communication and ...