CALMA (Child and Adolescent Latino Mental Health Assessment and Treatment) is housed at the Seattle Children’s South Clinic in Federal Way and is designed for families who primarily speak Spanish.
Please review our most recent Access Dashboard to find wait times for many of our ambulatory clinics and a list of conditions considered urgent for scheduling purposes. We know access is challenging ...
As with past viral seasons, our goal is to share information and resources with our larger community as we all work together to care for patients during this busy time. With RSV rates currently high ...
More than 100 years ago, Seattle Children’s was founded by a group of philanthropic women to care for children regardless of race, religion, gender or a family’s ability to pay. Their generous spirit ...
When it just can’t wait, care closer to home. Urgent Care visits are not for medical emergencies. If your child’s illness or injury is life-threatening, call 911. For urgent mental and behavioral ...
Meconium ileus (pronounced meh-COE-nee-um ILL-ee-us) means that a baby’s first stool (feces), called meconium, is blocking the last part of the baby’s small intestine (ileum). This can happen when the ...
Medical observations, often referred to as observations or job shadowing, are opportunities to observe a professional in their work. For example, shadowing a provider, dietitian, lab scientist, etc., ...
Pectus excavatum (PECK-tuss ex-kuh-VAW-tum) is a condition that causes a child’s chest to look sunken or "caved in." It happens because of a defect in the tough connective tissue (cartilage) that ...
New findings presented by Seattle Children's Research Institute at the American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting on Dec. 8 show that in a global clinical trial for children with B-cell acute ...
Primary and specialty care from birth to 21 in one place. Seattle Children’s Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic (OBCC) offers comprehensive healthcare for babies, children and teens, including pediatric ...
We are the Empower Lab, a group of clinicians and researchers brought together with the goal of improving resilience and injury recovery in youth and young adults. Our mission is to partner with teens ...
Jan. 8, 2025 – In 2021, when Ashlee and Nate Nielsen first learned their 2-year-old, Gavin, had an incurable brain tumor, the answer to “How long?” was devastating. Children with diffuse intrinsic ...