公司客户搜索量突破 10,000 次,新增 200 多家机构交易商,并加速其产品的采用 史密斯特工领先的人工智能金融数据和分析平台 AgentSmyth 今天宣布任命 Robert DiFazio 为首席战略官 (CSO) 和董事会成员。DiFazio 在资本市场和投资管理领域拥有 40 多年的经验,在公司扩张 ... 不是投资顾问,这不构成投资建议、财务建议或交易建议。 不建议您购买、出售或持有任何证券。 在做出任何投资决定之前,请自行进行尽职调查并咨询财务顾问。 对中国电动汽车征收的新关税最终将于 1 年 2024 月 XNUMX 日星期二生效。
环境问题继续给地球和人类健康带来压力。温室气体如二氧化碳 2 由于人们对化石燃料和其他关键元素的依赖,二氧化碳排放量不断增加。现在,世界必须想办法减少废物或防止这些有害化学物质进入大气。幸运的是,一种新的碳捕获工艺有望做到这一点,以下 ...
Ormat Technologies, Inc. engages in the geothermal and recovered energy power business in the United States, Indonesia, Kenya, Turkey, Chile, Guadeloupe, Guatemala ...
Environmental issues continue to strain the Earth and the population's health. Greenhouse gases like CO 2 have built up due to people's dependence on fossil fuels and other key elements. Now, the ...
Novo Nordisk A/S 是一家医疗保健公司,在全球范围内从事药品的研究、开发、制造和营销。该公司运营两个部门:糖尿病和肥胖症护理部门和生物制药部门。糖尿病和肥胖症护理部门提供胰岛素、GLP-1 和相关输送系统、口服抗糖尿病产品、肥胖症和其他慢性疾病 ...
Corteva, Inc. operates in the agriculture business. It operates through two segments, Seed and Crop Protection. The Seed segment develops and supplies advanced germplasm and traits that produce ...
Chewy, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, engages in the pure play e-commerce business in the United States. The company provides pet food and treats, pet supplies and pet medications, and other ...
The Sherwin-Williams Company develops, manufactures, distributes, and sells paints, coatings, and related products to professional, industrial, commercial, and retail customers. It operates through ...
Bank of America Corporation, through its subsidiaries, provides banking and financial products and services for individual consumers, small and middle-market businesses, institutional investors, large ...
Quanta Services, Inc. provides specialty contracting services worldwide. The Electric Power Infrastructure Solutions segment engages in the design, procurement, construction, upgrade, repair, and ...
Newmont Corporation engages in the production and exploration of gold. It also explores for copper, silver, zinc, and lead. The company has operations and/or assets in the United States, Canada, ...