每月统计的会员国全额支付数目: ...
与志愿服务和慈善事业的概念一样,慈善提供真正的社会契约,并为创造包容性和更具弹性的社会作出贡献。慈善可以缓解 ...
森林是你生活的一部分,甚至比你意识到的更多。当我们喝一杯水,在笔记本上书写,吃发烧药或建造房屋时,我们并不总是 ...
土壤污染因降低农作物的产量和品质而影响粮食安全。没有健康的土壤,我们就无法生产粮食,实现#零饥饿#。粮农组织图片 防止土壤污染 虽然我们 ...
每年9月21日世界各地都要庆祝国际和平日。大会宣布将这一日定为国际和平日,专供所有国家和人民在自己内部以及彼此之间 ...
The Global Observance of World Habitat Day, marked on 7 October 2024, is under the theme “Engaging youth to create a better urban future.” This event aims to address the challenges and ...
Tourism, often highlighted for its role in economic development, also plays a significant role in fostering peace. On a global level, where nations are interconnected and interdependent, Tourism ...
The past 12 months have been pivotal for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with the adoption of the groundbreaking Political Declaration at the SDG Summit, as well as the Antigua and Barbuda ...
Taxation is critical to financing the SDGs. Fiscal policies can mobilize resources, reduce inequalities, contribute to macroeconomic stabilization, and create incentives for investment and sustainable ...
Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The Gender Snapshot 2024, the sixth joint publication by UN DESA and UN Women, was launched during the Summit of the Future week. The report reveals that ...
Could terrorists prepare a ‘dirty bomb’ technically known as radiological dispersal device (RDD) to carry out a terrorist attack? UNCCT and the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism ...