Victor García Font, researcher at IN3’s K-ryptography and Information Security for Open Networks research group and lecturer at UOC’s Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, ...
The Amazon is not only the world’s largest tropical forest, but it is also a symbol of a radical transformation of ways of thinking about and inhabiting the world. In this conversation with the writer ...
We invest in spin-offs and start-ups in the educational and ICT sectors that have a vocation for social impact.
We offer support to the entrepreneurial projects of the UOC community depending on the stage in which they establish and the needs that arise: from the validation of the idea to the acceleration.
The main aim of Hubbik is to promote entrepreneurship, open innovation, support for knowledge transfer of results, and cooperation between the entire UOC community (students, alumni, teaching staff, ...
The Centre for Modern Languages has adapted all its courses to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which makes it easier for the Centre's students to prove their skill ...
This presentation analyses the role of translation programs in Argentina, Colombia, Chile, and Uruguay, focusing on their reach and limitations within the global translation landscape. By examining ...
Una de les grans novetats formatives de la UOC en el seu trentè aniversari són les microcredencials, unes formacions de curta durada que cursaran 600 persones aquest curs ...
Investigadors dissenyen una xarxa de microhubs i un algoritme d'encaminament per millorar l'entrega de paqueteria a les ciutats, reduir emissions i optimitzar el trànsit ...
La recerca i innovació (R+I) de la UOC contribueix a solucionar els reptes a què s'enfronten les societats globals del segle ...
Bajo el lema “Ecología, Tecnología y Democracia. Otro futuro es posible”, el DecidimFest 2024 abordará cómo la participación y la planificación democrática, junto a la tecnología, pueden contribuir en ...