IRS, Trump and Tax Refunds

The earned income tax credit and additional child tax credit are "refundable," meaning filers can claim a refund without tax ...
Most taxpayers receive refunds and money has already started being issued. There are ways to find out information about the ...
Filing a tax return is required for you to receive a tax refund, but filing a return doesn't guarantee you'll receive a tax ...
Many American taxpayers are likely to be eagerly awaiting their tax refunds by this time of the year, when reimbursements are ...
Your bank or credit union has not posted the refund. If you're claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit, those refunds can't go ...
According to IRS data, the bureau expects nearly 140 million Americans to file taxes. But when will that check or direct ...
A large tax refund can feel like a win. But if you're living paycheck-to-paycheck, that refund might actually be hurting you.
If you’ve filed your tax return and you’re eager for your refund, here’s how to check the status of your payment. Find out ...
It’s getting to be that tax time of year! Filing taxes, like paying taxes, may not be an enjoyable to-do, but receiving a ...
As tax season kicks off in the United States, millions of taxpayers are eager to file their returns and secure the largest ...