三星电子21日表示,旗下折叠屏智能手机Galaxy Z Fold特别版(Special Edition)将于25日在韩上市。 Galaxy Z Fold特别版厚度仅10.6毫米,重236克,较今年7月推出的Galaxy Z Fold 6薄1.5毫米,轻3克,在历代Galaxy Z Fold系列中最为轻薄。新机展开后主屏幕为8英寸,系Z ...
The Supreme People's Court today approved the death sentence of the man surnamed Zhou who was found guilty of endangering ...
有线新闻前主播余茵娜(Yanna)去年5月离巢后,积极经营社交平台转型做KOL,她在今年3月贴出与外籍男友Joe Munns试婚纱的短片,其后终默认婚讯。余茵娜日前晒出一辑全黑婚纱相,到昨日(20日)终于在英国结婚,几位前同事都专程前往当地观礼。
Following its first Beijing flagship, a non-profit museum in the heart of the 798 Art District that launched in 2007, UCCA ...
Galaxy Z Fold特别版拥有Galaxy折叠屏手机上最大的屏幕,也是三星最轻、最宽、最薄的折叠屏手机。折叠状态下的厚度仅为10.6毫米,展开后更是薄至4.9毫米,重量为236克,比上一代Galaxy Z Fold 6轻了3克,尽管屏幕和摄像头配置均有显著提升。
HONG KONG, Oct. 20 (Xinhua) -- The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government will continue to optimize connectivity schemes between the capital markets of the Chinese mainland and Hon ...
BEIJING, Oct. 20 (Xinhua) -- More than 20 Chinese listed companies on Sunday announced that they have signed agreements with financial institutions or obtained commitment letters to secure loans for s ...
The UNESCO Prize for Girls' and Women's Education, established by China in cooperation with UNESCO, is the organization's only prize for promoting girls' and women's education. It plays a vital role ...
10 月 17 日消息,三星电子已确认将于 10 月 21 日发布一款全新的 Galaxy 设备,虽然官方没有明确透露新品的具体身份,但外界普遍认为这款新机便是传闻已久的 Galaxy Z Fold6 Special Edition。
据最新消息,三星电子将于10月21日正式发布一款全新的Galaxy设备。虽然官方并未透露具体产品信息,但市场普遍认为该款新品可能是备受瞩目的Galaxy Z Fold6 Special Edition。