(原标题:SFC Markets and Finance | Richard Yetsenga: China can sustain strong growth into 2025) ...
根据国际货币基金组织(IMF)的最新分析,到今年年底,全球公共债务将达到100万亿美元,占全球GDP的93%。IMF在其最新的《财政监测》(Fiscal Monitor)报告中表示,预计到2030年,全球债务将接近GDP的100%,并警告称,各国政府将需要做出艰难的决定来稳定借贷。IMF的报告称,美国、巴西、法国、意大利、南非和英国的债务预计将增加,并敦促各国政府控制债务。(新浪财经) ...
China desplegará próximamente un paquete de medidas de política fiscal incrementales para apoyar la economía, anunció hoy ...
Eventually US administration comes to realize that in current circumstances blaming China for Yuan exchange rates can only bring to harsh criticism by China about Us fiscal discipline. America badly n ...
A China introduzirá um pacote de medidas de política fiscal incrementais direcionadas em um futuro próximo para impulsionar a ...
A China introduzirá um pacote de medidas de política fiscal incrementais direcionadas em um futuro próximo para impulsionar a economia, disse o ministro das Finanças, Lan Fo'an, em entrevista coletiva ...
(原标题:SFC Markets and Finance丨China introduced new fiscal policy measures, how will A-share market react?) China's Finance Minister, Lan Fu'an, stated at the press conference on October 12th, that the ...
中国政府星期六 (10月12日)表示,将发行特别债券来帮助其陷入困境的经济,并已筹集2.3万亿元人民币 (约3,250亿美元)资金,可在未来三个月内用于支撑房地产市场、缓解地方债务和支持银行。
TMTPOST -- U.S.-listed Chinese shares rallied Friday on investors’ expectation of hundreds of billions of dollars’ fiscal ...
BEIJING, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- China will introduce a package of targeted incremental fiscal policy measures in the near future to boost the economy, Minister of Finance Lan Fo'an told a press ...