Children learned that they needed to put the colored cards in the order of the rainbow. The children learned that white light ...
段永平是价值投资和长期主义的代言人。他的名言是“买股票就是买公司”。什么公司才是好的公司呢?他在公开访谈中曾经提到看公司最重要的几个维度:生意模式、竞争格局、企业文化。对于A股,大家都知道他看好茅台。不过,9月份以来,段永平在社交媒体上只主动讨论了三只股票,都是港美股:腾讯(00700)、苹果(AAPL.US)、西方石油 (OXY.US)。
段永平是价值投资和长期主义的代言人。他的名言是“买股票就是买公司”。什么公司才是好的公司呢?他在公开访谈中曾经提到看公司最重要的几个维度:生意模式、竞争格局、企业文化。对于A股,大家都知道他看好茅台。不过,9月份以来,段永平在社交媒体上只主动讨论了三 ...
民政部近日表示,我国将构建贯通县区、乡镇街道、村和社区三级养老服务网络。 China will work to put in place a three-tiered facility network for elderly care ...
Passant Sayed Khalil is a Chinese teacher at the Confucius Institute of Cairo University in Egypt. She won the 18th "Chinese ...
TMTPost --  Apple Inc. Is existing from talks to join in OpenAI’s latest funding round that is expected to raise about $6.5 ...
美国联准会(FED)周四(3)发布的数据,联准会的亏损已突破2000亿美元(约新台币6.4兆)。而国债方面过去3天联邦政府再度举债3450亿美元(约新台币11兆),来到35.7兆美元(约新台币1144亿元)华府智库研究员惊呼, ...
Public transport should be funded by the government so that it can be free for the people who use it. To what extent do you ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@沙雕网友杨某于10月13日发布,转载请标明出处!】 汉妃镇贴(1/1) 汉弗莱:What I mean is that I'm fully seized of your aims and of course I'll do my ...
国防部:美日印澳“四边机制”已沦为美遏华维霸的政治工具The MND: Quad has Become a Political Tool for the United States to Contain China and Maintain Its ...
According to hospital officials, the new section is built in-line with the requirements of a leading public hospital, and it ...