央视网消息 :随着中国免签“朋友圈”持续扩容、便利人员往来措施不断优化,“China Travel”持续火爆,今年三季度,中国入境外国人超过800万人次,其中通过免签入境近500万人次,同比大幅上升。
【环球时报报道 记者 任筱楠 陈子帅 ...
BEIJING, Oct. 4 (Xinhua) -- Travel in the world's second-largest economy continued to boom on Thursday, the third day of China's week-long National Day holiday, official data showed Friday. More than ...
「后疫情时代」全球拥抱旅游復甦热潮,在地居民生活受到严重干扰的「过度旅游」(overtourism,也称超限旅游、观光公害)死灰復燃,观光大国欣见经济荣景之际也伤透脑筋。日本航空「买国际线送国内线」促销最近开跑,积极把饼做大,吸引外国游客造访国际知名 ...
海外网9月26日电 据美国专业旅行杂志《Travel and Tour World》网站9月25日报道,阿塞拜疆旅游局近日在中国的深圳、上海、成都和北京四个城市举办了一系列推介活动,旨在进一步提升阿塞拜疆在中国旅游市场的知名度和影响力。
The death toll of a gasoline tanker explosion in Nigeria's northern state of Jigawa early this week exceeded 100, Nigerian ...
沈白高铁自建设以来备受期待!项目建成通车后北京至长白山的最短列车运行时间将压缩至4小时以内沈阳至长白山最短列车运行时间将压缩至1.5小时长白山西站位于吉林省抚松县松江河镇这里将随着沈白高铁的建设成为重要的交通枢纽进一步促进抚松的经济和旅游业发展沈白高 ...
Statistics show the football matches helped attract 380,000 tourists to the county during the holiday as of Oct. 5, up 30.67 ...
美国生活旅游杂志Condé Nast Traveler日前公布2024年读者大奖(Readers’ Choice Award),长荣航空由读者评选为全球最佳航空公司(The Best Airlines in the ...
NASA and SpaceX launched a new mission to Jupiter on Monday to study Jupiter's moon Europa. The Europa Clipper spacecraft, ...
In response to a related query, spokesperson Mao Ning said at a daily news briefing that China now enjoys comprehensive mutual visa exemption with 24 countries, offers visa-free entry policy for 16 ...