Virgo natives may face emotional ups and downs. Work may bring fluctuating thoughts, and family issues could add to the stress. Stay calm and clear-minded to handle challenges and avoid worries.
The New Moon in Aquarius invites you to reimagine your daily routines and work habits, which includes breaking free from old systems that no longer serve your growth. How can you bring more ...
Be willing to go all in, beautiful Virgo. You can tend to get bogged down every day as you look for how to make matters and situations perfect. However, the current energy is helping you tune into ...
You’re giving guru vibes today. Sharing your practical vision can inspire a community when Mercury aligns with Neptune. Getting the conversation started? Guide the group in contributing their ...
You are going through an interesting phase in your love life. For those who have only started a romantic relationship, there is much fun and laughter as you have suspended your relationship on a ...
Today’s Aquarius New Moon illuminates your fifth house of pleasure, fertility, creative inspiration and fun, Libra. Be open to ideas that spring forth, designed to make you happy. Hone in on ...
Connect to people from your community or team on a personal level today, Leo. Communication planet Mercury meets potent Pluto in your zone of one-to-ones, suggesting a client, spouse, friend or ...
Valentine's Day might still be a couple of weeks away, but love is in the air this weekend. With Venus, in dreamy Pisces, forming a conjunction with sensitive Neptune, it's an ideal time to step ...