Cordae has opened up and reflected on why the YBN collective eventually split up.
As Peaks100 attempted to sway his opinion by using a host of long-standing Hip-Hop collectives, such as the Wu-Tang Clan, as ...
Cordae then explained that YBN lacked the unity that music groups need to achieve longevity and to create a cohesive vision. He pointed out the group’s poor business decisions and creative ...
Cordae reminded listeners that he and the YBN founders, Nahmir and Almighty Jay , never recorded a song together, suggesting there was a creative disconnect among the group. He also touched on a ...
The dissolution of YBN reveals a complex web of management issues and contractual disputes that plagued the group's operations.
西藏定日6.8级地震遇难同胞悼念仪式13日上午9时30分在受灾最严重的长所乡举行。 1月7日上午9时5分,西藏定日6.8级地震发生。地震震级高、烈度大,造成126名同胞不幸遇难,27248户房屋受损,其中倒塌房屋3612户。
Cordae was part of hip-hop ground YBN, that lasted from 2014 to 2020. (Photo by Olivia Wong/WireImage) American rapper and singer-songwriter Cordae recently appeared in a video by YouTuber ...
鼓点响起,舞狮登场,热热闹闹的海上年俗市集在上海市群众艺术馆开市。“魔都新春娱乐指南——第十九届海上年俗风情展”也如期拉开帷幕。作为上海市群众艺术馆春节系列活动的重要内容,海上年俗风情展分别以“衣、食、住、行、游、购”为主题,连续6年呈现了海派年俗的 ...
Yaban (YBN) chains will be added to the portfolio at Bob Elliot’s for 2025, further strengthening their support for IBDs and workshops.
南国早报全媒体记者 黎莹遐新闻热线:0771-5690127报料邮箱这两天,在冷空气和晴空辐射降温的双重影响下,天气“冻手冻脚”,广西多地下雪或出现雾凇美景。接下来,最低气温还要继续下降,1月12日早晨,高寒山区最低 ...
Four-time Grand Slam champion Naomi Osaka has announced that she and her partner, rapper Cordae, are no longer in a ...
Naomi Osaka secured her third Grand Slam title at the U.S. Open when she defeated Victoria Azarenka. It was a major career ...