KASHGAR, Xinjiang -- On a sunny morning in October, streets in the Ancient City of Kashgar come alive as the city's daily ...
安徽桐城,以“文都”著称。在桐城闹市区,有一条百米长、两米宽的巷子,青砖黛瓦,古木参天,它就是六尺巷。据史料记载,清朝康熙年间,文华殿大学士兼礼部尚书张英在桐城的家人与邻居吴家发生宅基地纠纷,两家互不相让。张家人写信向张英求助,张英回诗一首,寥寥数语 ...
Young friends from Angola, Cuba, Vietnam, Portugal, and other countries came to Yan'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province, and visited Nanniwan, where they listened to the story of Nanniwan told by ...
Sports carnivals and festivals are held around the city, encouraging the integration of sport with entertainment, commercial and tourism.
Shanghai launches a new e-bike trade-in subsidy program. The program offers residents a one-time 500 yuan discount on the purchase of a new electric bike.
新盘气氛持续向好,由信和及中电集团合作发展的何文田超级豪宅ST. GEORGE'S MANSIONS,昨日以招标方式售出1座18楼A室,面积2140方尺,属4房大宅,成交价1.18亿,尺价55140元。
时尚永不止步,以2025春夏系列为起点,步入“第二个十年”的深圳时装周继往开来,以破晓之姿开启了全新的时尚纪元。首先,本届时装周精心选址于深圳的顶级地标——深圳湾万象城与深圳人才公园,城市顶奢空间与海岸线交相辉映、彼此牵连,带来都市天际线与海岸天际线 ...
太夸张了,股灾的时候也没见他涨15个点,在这敏感的时期肆意做空一定要拉爆它 ...
A global panel of agrarians has called for innovation-driven green transition of the world's agri-food system as part of the ...
Holidays offer a great opportunity to explore the city we live in. During the weekdays, we’re often overwhelmed with work, ...
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the "Class of 74." In 1974, various local art troupes and theater groups began ...