连续20多小时的长命雨导致全岛气温下降,纽顿地区星期六(1月11日)早上9时录得最低气温21.6摄氏度,多个地区最高气温只有23.6摄氏度。 受东北季候风潮影响,我国自星期五早上就开始下起中至强雷阵雨,一直持续到星期六早上,一些地区还在下雨,不过雨势 ...
SpicyComedy is stand-up in Shanghai featuring some of the funniest local and traveling comedians. With shows held throughout the week at the SpicyComedy Lounge in Xintiandi, audiences are in for an ...
In a city where visiting a flower fair during the Spring Festival is a cherished tradition, Guangzhou's flower fairs are an ...
The exhibition mimics the winding path of a snake. Visitors can explore the "Mystical Realms of Snakes" exhibition at the ...
在美国中部的芝加哥,有一家独一无二的美食店,专注于东北熏卤熟食,令人垂涎欲滴。位于桥港区的这家一手店(2615 S. Halsted, Chicago, IL 60608),不仅为当地的华人提供了熟悉的味道,更吸引了众多美食爱好者的追捧。作为芝加哥地区唯一一家专精于东北熏卤的熟食店,一手店致力于带给人们正宗的东北口味,让你在异地他乡也能重温家的味道。
Snake soup is considered the commoner’s tonic and a specialty in Cantonese cuisine. Ser Wong Fun was founded in 1895 in Nanhai District, Guangdong. After relocating to Gilman’s Bazaar in Central in 19 ...