Nestled in the heart of Helen, Georgia, lies a hidden gem that will transport you straight to the pages of a fairy tale.
Overnight bookings also include dinner and breakfast in the great hall, which continue the medieval theme by offering roasted meats and vegetables, pies, and fresh bread. Tours and photo shoots ...
Mad for the Middle Ages? In ‘Tatler’s January issue, Features Editor Annabel Sampson revealed all about the party theme which ...
A Roman fortress, then a Viking stronghold, followed by a Medieval wool-trading center, then an Industrial railway hub, and ...
Also known as Hu the Mighty, Hu Gadarn was said to have brought the Welsh to Britain from Deffrobani (the Summer Country).
Medieval Wales Medieval society and culture Owain Glyndwr - Seeds of revolt Owain Glyndwr - the revolt The revolt - part two The revolt - part three What are these?
Being clear about and managing your own emotions is crucial for authentic leadership. Emotional intelligence goes beyond self-awareness by enabling leaders to recognize and influence the emotions ...
Around 200 cups, in Europe alone, are said to be the Holy Grail. But what makes one cup holy - but not another?
What are the best medieval games? Rare is a videogame that doesn’t feature at least one sword, suit of armor, or roast chicken. Still, they’re usually mixed in with bearded hermits slinging ...