Steam is full of weirdo horror titles, and we've come up with a list of five nasty games that you'll want to experience this ...
Playing video games makes your brain younger but exercise does not, a study suggests. Regular players of video games such as ...
Video games may boost your brainpower, but don’t expect them to improve your mental health, a new study by Western University ...
A groundbreaking study led by neuroscientist Adrian Owen from Western University has found that playing video games ...
Playing video games may make you smarter but regular exercise does not, scientists have said. Researchers found gamers scored ...
The results showed that gamers performed better in memory, attention and reasoning skills tests compared to those who did not ...
Playing video games may make you smarter but regular exercise does not, scientists have said. Researchers found gamers scored ...
A wearable, non-invasive brain-computer interface (BCI) that quickly measures neural activity while the user plays through a ...