However, other DMARDs, such as sulfasalazine, are not harmful during pregnancy and do not cause issues after delivery. Talk with your doctors about all the medications you’re taking. Together ...
How does cold medicine help with pregnancy? During sexual intercourse, semen reaches the vagina, passes through the cervix and fuses with the egg to form an embryo. It then grows into an unborn child.
America in the Middle East During the Cold War is a book that grapples with the question of how the United States managed to succeed in the Middle East during the time of the superpower struggle.
Beijing’s Economic Statecraft during the Cold War, 1949–1991, describes China’s use of economic instruments in pursuit of foreign policy goals from the foundation of the People’s Republic to the end ...
But as it turns out, one of the biggest concerns is whether sex during pregnancy is safe, with 200,000 people looking to the NCT (National Childbirth Trust) website for answers on the topic in ...
A very high percentage of gestational diabetes can be controlled by diet. Still, some women with GDM will need to take medications (pills or even insulin) to control blood sugar levels. Exercise ...
Why would a medicine designed to relieve cough and cold symptoms help women get pregnant? During unprotected sexual intercourse, sperm are deposited at the top of the vagina. To reach and fertilise ...
Background: Although no asthma or allergy medications can be considered proven safe for use during pregnancy, these medications are often used to prevent the potential direct and indirect ...
Still, when planning a pregnancy you should take into account certain considerations, as not all disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) or medications for managing MS symptoms are safe during ...
Those who have been pregnant often talk about “pregnancy brain,” the experience of brain fog or forgetfulness during and after pregnancy. There’s also the specter of postpartum depression, a condition ...