Maine energy officials on Friday offered a sober assessment of the state's reliance on fossil fuels as they released a plan touting advances in electric heat pumps and electric vehicles and outlined ...
Gas prices are on the rise. The national average for a gallon of gas increased 4 cents in the past week to $3.11. In Delaware ...
A coalition of organizations, municipalities, and businesses, collectively known as the Warmte Alliantie, is urging the Dutch ...
No one is going quietly as the change in administration looms. In the latest, though probably not the last, final maneuver, ...
Oak Park trustees approved new guidelines for the energy-efficiency grant program, upping the maximum dollar amount residents ...
While many homeowners say they’re happy with their purchase, and saw just slightly higher bills during cold months in recent ...
"The implementation of new policies will generate up to $1.2 billion in public health benefits, a $2.5 billion increase of ...
Oil costs hovering around $80 a barrel have helped push the national average for a gallon of gas four cents higher since last ...
A first-in-the-nation policy that seeks to reduce the amount of fossil fuels Vermonters use to heat their homes would add an estimated 58 cents per gallon to the cost of heating fuel over the next 10 ...
The national average for a gallon of gas has climbed by four cents in the past week to $3.10, driven by rising oil prices ...
Consumer interest in heat pumps from Octopus jumped by 144 per cent in 2024, the energy provider - which is rivalled by EDF, ...