Doctors specializing in multiple areas of ear care explain how to maintain optimal ear health without overdoing it.
Sheep that eat death camas plants record the toxic meal in their earwax, a goopy health data repository that researchers are increasingly exploring.
It's fine to clean your outer ear when earwax gets unruly, but think twice before digging into your ear with a Q-tip or ...
According to a report by Healthline, if you use Q-tips to clean your ears, you are at risk of developing a variety of ...
Following is a transcript from the video: Earwax is completely normal, but it can become troublesome. And that's when you might want to consider a procedure like this one. I am Catherine Schuster ...
Your earwax could be a window into your mental health, researchers have suggested. A study of 37 participants has shown a build-up of the stress hormone cortisol can be measured from the oily ...
Most people don't really think about their earwax, but if it's not looked after, it can actually cause some annoying and potentially serious issues. In fact, your itchy ear or hearing problem ...
My name's Conor. I'm an audiologist, and I'm an expert in ears. And today I'm going to show you some earwax-removal videos. There is liquidy, soupy earwax; hard, brick-like earwax; and a ...
We hate to add another chore to your list of tasks, but it turns out that if you use in-ear earbuds like Apple AirPods, you ...
Dr Amir Khan has issued a warning to his social media followers urging them to avoid using cotton buds in their ears, and ...
Earwax is a waxy material produced by glands inside the ear. It helps keep our ears healthy and clean; it stops the skin that lines our ear canal from drying and cracking and protects the ear by ...