1934年10月10日,中央工农红军离开了江西瑞金,开始了长达两万五千里艰苦卓绝的长征。长征是中国革命史上不朽的丰碑,是中华民族的英雄史诗,是人类历史上的伟大壮举。前不久,有一位美国职业摄影师来到贵州,走进了全国首个以长征为主题的全域行浸式数字科技体 ...
当贵州的山水画卷徐徐展开,一场别开生面的文化之旅即将在凤凰卫视《纪录大时代》栏目精彩上演。贵州卫视精心打造的国际传播轻综艺节目《有朋自远方来(Be My Guest)》,将于 2024年10月4日登陆凤凰卫视,在《纪录大时代》栏目正式播出。
GUIYANG, Oct. 14 (Xinhua) -- Mount Fanjing National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Guizhou Province has been officially ...
山与人的关系、“文化千岛”的独特魅力在展示中心的展览中得以集中体现。以“名家画卷中的多彩贵州民族图谱”和“经典艺术创作里的贵州山川人文”为主题,“秘境寻踪·山民叙”展览分为《山民循迹》、《多彩和鸣》和《黔山回响》三个篇章,共展出了60多幅藏品,涵盖绘 ...
Zhang Ping, a former senior anti-graft official in southwest China's Guizhou Province, has been expelled from the Communist ...
Visitors to the region are treated to mesmerizing dances and melodic songs performed by the Bouyei people. Their artistic traditions have been honored as national intangible cultural heritage. Among ...
Yu Huaying, who had been sentenced to death for trafficking 11 children for illicit gains, was retried at the Guiyang ...
Matou has a long history that can be traced back to the Song Dynasty (960-1279). Since the Yuan and Ming dynasties (1271-1644), with the continuous growth of the Bouyei population, Matou gradually ...