Patient age in uveitis diagnoses and treatment plays a significant role, according to research published in American Journal of Ophthalmology.
Patients with ankylosing spondylitis and IBD exhibit distinct clinical and radiographic features, compared against those without comorbid IBD.
强直性脊柱炎的病理主要涉及遗传因素、免疫因素、感染因素、内分泌因素以及环境因素等。 1. 遗传因素:强直性脊柱炎具有明显的遗传倾向。相关基因如人类白细胞抗原-B27(HLA-B27)与本病的发病密切相关。如果家族中有强直性脊柱炎患者,其亲属患病的风险会增加。 2.
Fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis can cause similar symptoms like pain, reduced mobility in muscles, and exhaustion. The symptoms may be difficult to distinguish if a person has both conditions.
001). HLA-B27 positivity was less likely in women, appearing among 65.8% of women vs. 78.9% of men (P < .001). However, women also reported healthier behaviors than men, with lower proportions of ...
根据以上典型症状,医生为他完善了相关检查,结果提示人白细胞抗原B27(HLA-B27)阳性,骶髂关节核磁共振可见骶髂关节面骨髓水肿,最终诊断为 ...
根据以上典型症状,医生为他完善了相关检查,结果提示人白细胞抗原B27(HLA-B27)阳性,骶髂关节核磁共振可见骶髂关节面骨髓水肿,最终诊断为强直性脊柱炎。张先生惊讶不已,没想到反反复复的眼疾居然是因强直性脊柱炎引起的。 医生解释,强直性脊柱炎 ...
Timely and accurate diagnosis is challenging and relies on identifying a clinical pattern with a combination of clinical, laboratory (HLA-B27 positivity), and imaging findings (eg, structural damage ...
Identified genes include HLA-B27, ERAP1, and IL-23 receptor. Triggers can be exogenous (ie, infection and mechanical stress) or endogenous (ie, gut dysbiosis and loss of epithelial integrity). Immune ...
Results: This study identified HLA class I–binding variant peptides derived from canonical proteins, which had single amino-acid substitutions not attributed to genetic mutations or RNA editing. These ...