9月26日,美国空军正式向最后一架KC-10“补充者”空中加油机告别,将其送往飞机坟场,同时也认可了这种加油机自1981年首次服役以来提供的服务。虽然KC-10空中加油机的数量在过去的几年里迅速减少,但目前还不完全清楚美国空军今后的加油机队将由哪些机 ...
美国《空军与太空军》杂志则援引知情人士的话透露,这次空袭胡塞武装时,B-2轰炸机投下的是2000磅GBU-31“杰达姆”炸弹。公开资料显示,每架B-2能携带16枚这种2000磅级钻地炸弹,尽管它们的钻地威力相对较弱,但相当高的精度使它们能用连续穿透的 ...
Four turbofans, mounted under 35-degree swept wings, power the KC-135 to takeoffs at gross weights of up to 322,500 pounds. A cargo deck above the refueling system can hold a mixed load of ...
This is the Air Force's flying gas station– capable of refueling other aircraft 30,000 feet in the sky. From its unique ...
The KC-135 heritage jet will remain in service with its WWII-inspired paint scheme until 2025. The Nebraska Air National ...
The U.S. Air Force is pushing ahead with experimentation that could lead to the transformation of KC-135 tankers into ...
据外媒信源报道称,以色列国防部长加兰特在讲话中声称,“天堂之门已经打开,时候已经到了”。他的这句话被认为是在发出暗示,意即以色列内阁已投票通过对伊朗核设施发动袭击的议案。同时值得注意的是,从外国商业卫星拍摄到的照片来看,在卡塔尔乌代德美军基地的停机坪 ...
美空军从上世纪90年代末就启动了KC-135和KC-10A老旧加油机的替换计划,最初计划由一型加油机(KC-X)取代两型旧加油机;后来又演变成计划装备三型加油机(KC-46A、KC-Y“过渡性型加油机”和KC-X ...
It is intended to replace the oldest of the U.S. Air Force’s KC-135 Stratotanker fleet -- some of which are over 50 years old. The KC-46A will be able to refuel any fixed-wing receiver capable ...