表面温情脉脉,实则暗流涌动。你以为你是来度假的,其实是来送命的。这就是《白莲花度假村》独特的悬疑味道。不过毕竟已经拍到第三季了,很容易让观众产生审美疲劳,比如BBC就这样评论道: ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Financial crisis and cuts to the welfare system have driven people to UK food banks. About 500,000 are estimated to have ...
The death toll in Saturday's stampede at the New Delhi railway station rose to 18, confirmed a government official on Sunday.
China has accelerated the pace of improving people's livelihood through rule of law, following the formulation and amendment last year of several laws related to education, healthcare, and science and ...
在负责任营养委员会的调查中,近九成使用者(91%)认为补充剂是维持健康的必需品——这恰恰解释了为何当前补充剂引发肝损伤病例激增的现象如此令人担忧。《肝脏移植》(Liver Transplantation)期刊2022年发表的一项研究发现,1995至2020年间因草本与膳食补充剂导致的药物性急性肝衰竭病例激增了八倍。更值得警惕的是,根据《肝脏病学》(Hepatology)期刊2017年发表的一项研究 ...
He’s angry and defensive. He’s ready to fight back.
为解决韩国 HIV 感染率上升且针对男男性行为者(MSM)研究不足的问题,东德女子大学的 Minsoo Jung 开展相关研究,发现年轻非异性恋男性易进行无保护肛交,增加感染风险。该研究为制定 HIV 预防策略提供依据,值得科研读者一读。