In a city once ruled by fierce samurai, where landmarks whisper the deeds of legendary warriors and dramatic battles, another story also began: that of Hatcho miso. Nagoya has a centuries-old ...
In this recipe from our cookbook “Milk Street 365: The All-Purpose Cookbook for Every Day of the Year,” we combine miso, soy sauce and honey to make a savory-sweet, umami-rich marinade for meaty, ...
Miso soup is a traditional Japanese dish consisting of a miso paste combined with a dashi stock, and often comes with tofu, seaweed and green onions. It’s usually served with meals, as is the ...
TAKASAKI, Gunma Prefecture--Miso Pan bread, a specialty made with fermented bean paste spread inside a baguette, will soon be on the fast track to the capital aboard a bullet train from here.