In a city once ruled by fierce samurai, where landmarks whisper the deeds of legendary warriors and dramatic battles, another story also began: that of Hatcho miso. Nagoya has a centuries-old ...
In this recipe from our cookbook “Milk Street 365: The All-Purpose Cookbook for Every Day of the Year,” we combine miso, soy sauce and honey to make a savory-sweet, umami-rich marinade for meaty, ...
Miso soup is a traditional Japanese dish consisting of a miso paste combined with a dashi stock, and often comes with tofu, seaweed and green onions. It’s usually served with meals, as is the ...
In Washoku, the Japanese diet has long been popular for its ability to ... The fundamental format of Washoku, which consists of a bowl of rice, soup (such as miso soup), and three side dishes. Washoku ...