摘要相较于传统的微波天线技术,基于里德堡原子的微波传感由于其高灵敏度、尺寸小、高选择性、频谱覆盖宽等优势,近年来得到了学术界广泛的关注。 【仪表网 研发快讯】中国科大郭光灿院士团队在基于里德堡原子的微波传感方向取得新进展。该团队项国勇、邹长铃等人研制出一种新型的噪声鲁棒且可实现连续探测的里德堡原子微波探测装置,利用了里德堡原子系综里多体效应引起的强相互作用,实现强微波背景噪声下待探测弱信号的显著增 ...
A new study uncovers technologies that could unveil energy-efficient information processing and sophisticated data security.
Ka Bogso is a five piece art exhibit that was shown in Olin Arts Center from Sept. 24 to Oct 3. This visual art piece ...
The resulting 100 µV/ o C PRTD signal is boosted by A2 to the original multimeter-readout compatible 1 mV/ o C. R1 provides a ...
Simultaneously uneasy and tender, “The Outrun” offers a refreshing perspective on what it means to take your life back.
A key objective of several neuroscience studies is to understand and model how the dynamics of distinct populations of ...
Researchers uncovered how twisting layers of a material can generate a mysterious electron-path-deflecting effect, unlocking ...
In 2018, a discovery in materials science sent shock waves throughout the community. A team showed that stacking two layers ...
Yuanzhao Zhang, an SFI Complexity Postdoctoral Fellow, has studied how higher-order interactions affect a system at small scales. In new work published this week in Science Advances, he reports on how ...
"We have fabricated for the first time a nanodisk of specifically stacked molybdenum disulfide that preserves the broken inverse symmetry in its volume, and therefore maintains optical nonlinearity.
南开新闻网讯 (通讯员 程丹)近日,南开大学吴强、卢瑶、许京军教授课题组,在受激声子极化激元的研究中取得了重要进展。团队利用离子晶体中太赫兹波与晶格振动强耦合的特点,激发受激声子极化激元非线性,实现了太赫兹巨克尔效应。该成果为未来太赫兹光通信、光计算 ...