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格隆汇1月22日|全球最大对冲基金桥水创办人达里奥(Ray Dalio)接受《金融时报》访问时称,英国可能出现“债务死亡漩涡”(debt death spiral)。英国10年期金边债券收益率上月曾升至4.9厘的16年新高,主要因为市场忧虑英国通胀高企及英国政府债台高筑。达里奥指出,收益率上扬,英国须支付较高的借贷成本,便需要发债集资,意味未来借贷成本将进一步扳升,形成“债务死亡漩涡”。达里奥认为 ...
据《CNBC》报道,桥水基金创办人达利奥(Ray Dalio)认为,减少美国预算赤字可以稳定债券市场并降低利率。达利奥指出,目前预计赤字占美国国内生产总值的7.5%,如果该比率降至3%,债券市场的供需...
The Bridgewater Associates founder wants the U.K. to cut spending or raise taxes to address historically high borrowing costs ...
The widely-followed investor said reducing the deficit can be achieved through higher taxes, lower spending or a combination ...
Ray Dalio, the billionaire founder of hedge fund firm Bridgewater Associates, warned that the UK could be heading for a “debt death spiral”, in which it has to borrow more and more money to service ...
美国知名对冲桥水基金创办人、亿万富翁达里欧(Ray Dalio)表示,美国政府的债务问题日益严重,每分钟的利息高达200万美元,已到破产在即的等级。 达里欧在社群平台发文表示,美国的国债已超过36兆美元,过去1年支付的利息为8920亿美元。
Ray Dalio warns the UK faces a "debt death spiral" due to rising debt, interest rates, and inflation, urging urgent reforms ...
Ray Dalio
Ray Dalio, founder of hedge fund Bridgewater Capital, warned that the UK economy was at risk of a “debt death spiral” ...
全球最大对冲基金「桥水基金」创办人达里欧(Ray Dalio)周二(14日)发出警告,美国正濒临「破产」危机,因为鉅额的政府债务问题日益严重,且美国政府正努力应付每分钟高达200万美元(约新台币6650万元)的利息负担。
Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, warned that the United States could "go broke" due to mounting government debt ...