La construcción de la megafábrica de la compañía estadounidense Tesla en Shanghai debe finalizar antes de que concluya el ...
SHANGHAI, Dec. 25 (Xinhua) -- U.S. carmaker Tesla's megafactory in Shanghai is expected to finish construction by the end of this year, according to Tesla China.
A construção da megafábrica da montadora norte-americana Tesla em Shanghai deve ser concluída no final deste ano, informou a ...
上海法兰克福汽配展,即上海国际汽车零配件、维修检测诊断设备及服务用品展览会(Automechanika Shanghai),是一个具有全球影响力的汽配展会。以下是对该展会的详细介绍: 展示面积:2024年展会整体展示面积高达35万平米。
Set to launch on December 26, the Shanghai-Suzhou-Huzhou line connects Shanghai with the other two cities in a seamless ...
出品:新浪财经上市公司研究院 作者:IPO再融资组/郑权12月5日,浙江蓝宇数码科技股份有限公司(下称“蓝宇股份”)发布 ...
近日,“我和上海”(Shanghai, My City)短视频征集活动总结会隆重举行。其中,来自曹杨新村街道的报选作品《做一天曹杨人》从200逾部作品中脱颖而出,荣获优秀奖 。▲ 曹杨新村街道代表领奖(左二)做一天曹杨人荣获优秀奖视频内容梗概: ...
Los precios de los billetes internacionales para las vacaciones de ocho días han disminuido en promedio un 12 % interanual, mientras que las tarifas hacia destinos populares como Tokio en Japón, El ...
On October 17, 1957, Jordan Overseas Trading Company ordered three Jiefang CA10 trucks from FAW at the Second China Export ...
The travel time between Huzhou in Zhejiang Province and Shanghai Hongqiao will be cut to 55 minutes when the ...
The main event of the night will be British boxer Ellie Bouttell, signed to Shanghai’s own M23 Boxing Club, as she fights for ...
12月22日晚,“我和上海”(Shanghai, My City)短视频作品征集展播活动总结会在上海博物馆东馆举行。