Warcry warbands can be made up of a Warcry Warband pack or from the Warcry Warband Card Packs and separate Age of Sigmar miniatures. Warcry Warband Packs are dedicated warbands for Warcry and contain ...
Listen, I love Warhammer 40K. I've got a lot of time for Age of Sigmar after Skaventide, too. But if there's one tabletop wargame I'd recommend diving into this Holiday season, it's not either of ...
There were some great Warhammer Fantasy strategy games back in the ’90s, but the pickings have since been slim. Despite our muted feelings in our Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground review, this game is ...
The new set is called Galen And Doralia Outnumbered and features the two characters, father and daughter, back to back, facing down their latest foes. They have thrown off their cloaks and hats, ...
Recently, I’ve been of the opinion that Games Workshop has excelled with its Age of Sigmar designs and left Warhammer 40K lagging behind. But interestingly enough the split between the fantasy ...