The Nintendo Alarmo is a charming toy clock for kids and Nintendo diehards, but you can get much better alarm clocks for the ...
Alarmo brings a dose of Nintendo fun into your bedroom, with sleep noises and motion sensing alarms featuring classic ...
This review is based on a unit purchased by the reviewer. Nintendo Sound Clock Alarmo will be available in November 2024 via ...
It has some clever ideas, and it looks great on a shelf, but ultimately, it’s still an alarm clock. But what a cute alarm ...
近期,日本电子游戏软硬件开发公司任天堂推出了一款非传统意义上的新产品——Alarmo电子闹钟,售价99.99美元(折合约 711 元人民币)和12980日元(折合约605.78元人民币),仅限任天堂NSO会员购买。
任天堂最近推出的Alarmo闹钟,以其独特的设计和创新功能,迅速吸引了众多游戏爱好者的关注。这款专为Nintendo Switch ...
With Nintendo having launched the Alarmo interactive clock, the Shack Staff opined on which franchises they'd like to wake up ...
比 Alarmo 还怪的东西那可是多了去了 ...
任天堂新机Alarmo亮相:游戏主题闹钟,让粉丝惊呼不已 期待已久的新机竟然是个闹钟? 近日,任天堂推出了一款名为“Alarmo”的新产品,令众多期待新游戏主机的玩家颇感意外。这款独特的闹钟以其游戏主题和丰富的功能吸引了广泛关注,让人眼前一亮。
【#任天堂闹钟#线下卖断货,有人花万元求购!博主高呼:我是韭菜!】“1万块钱东京直飞上海,不愧是任天堂的闹钟。”有IP在日本的网友上周在社交平台发帖称,有人花大价钱购买#任天堂闹钟Alarmo#。10月9日,任天堂发售新品闹钟Alarmo,售价12980日元,约合人民币615元,仅限任天堂会员购买。Alarmo发售不久后,由于过于火爆,在商店内改为抽签销售,多地线下门店也被抢购一空。由于尚未在国内 ...