Gao Peng, former vice mayor of Beijing, has been expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC) and dismissed from public ...
青年的声音和行动不断塑造着未来的世界格局,虹桥论坛为国际政、商、学界共商国际重大前沿问题提供了对话交流的平台,今年是青年议题首次走进虹桥论坛,可见青年在全球事务中愈发重要的作用受到格外关注,在今年的“全球化与青年发展:共享美好未来”分论坛上,各界代表汇聚一堂,聚焦青年视角,深入探讨经济全球化发展趋势及其对青年发展的影响,引领世界青年以实际行动展现青年担当,十分期待在此次论坛中,能与来自世界各地的青 ...
Guangdong province announced its newest economic data of the first three quarters on Oct 21st. “Vitality” is shown in ...
Foreign entrepreneurs are increasingly bullish on the Chinese market, buoyed by recent economic policies aimed at encouraging ...
2024年是Cell Press细胞出版社成立50周年,对于旗下期刊Chem Catalysis而言,也是充满激情和值得庆祝的一年。今年,我们迎来了期刊创刊的三周年纪念,以及首个完整期刊影响因子的发布——11.5!在这个具有里程碑意义的时刻,Chem ...
Hsbc avvia la più grande ristrutturazione del decennio, creando 4 divisioni e unendo commercial e investment banking. L'obiettivo è rendere la banca più snella e agile in un contesto economico incerto ...
In 1995, Bill Gates, in his book, The Road Ahead, made a prescient prediction about the full digitalization of the future ...
Thank you for considering KLIS as the next step in your child’s educational journey。 I am delighted to welcome both new and ...
但她警告:“我们对于伴侣的普遍理解包含了排他性,这是与这个词汇有关的道德义务。因此,在职场使用这个词,就具有了排他性和特殊待遇的含义……这样称呼可能引发问题,在工作内外造成各种后果。” ...
作者:Cage在传统的数据基建中,很少有大量非结构化数据需要高速存取,LLM 训练对这个能力提出了新的挑战。VAST Data 打造了专为 AI 深度学习优化的解决方案,尤其擅长处理 10 PB 量级的多模态数据。其独特的 ...
GUANGZHOU, Oct. 21 (Xinhua) -- Guangdong Province, a powerhouse of China's economy, has reported a new record in its foreign trade for the first three quarters of the year, with imports and exports ...
【导读】及时分析癌症发病趋势对于癌症预防和控制至关重要,癌症预防和控制是中国公共卫生的重点。2024年10月21日,四川大学华西公共卫生学院、华西第四医院朱彩蓉团队在期刊《JAMA Network Open》上合作发表了题为“Trends in ...