Recent findings suggest that hearing loss in dementia is common, but hearing aid use in patients with dementia is not, presenting an intervention opportunity.
Nowhere in the current literature exists a study of patients with ISSNHL that combines both a large enough patient population and comprehensive audiometric data to be capable of definitively ...
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss is defined as hearing loss of 30 or more decibels across 3 contiguous audiometric frequencies within 72 hours. The incidence is about 30 per 100 000 people annually ...
Background: The definition of notched audiogram for noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is presently based on clinical experience, but audiometric phenotypes of NIHL are highly heterogeneous. The ...
PRO30 line is recommended for hearing screening and diagnostic tests in audiology centers. The modular solutions are suitable for different applications and exams such as Free Field test. Noise ...