Thailand's Interior Ministry is set to enforce the Marriage Equality Bill to allow same-sex marraige, expected to become law later this month.
The odds ratio for exposure to L-dopa in the IPD patients with PN was 12.4 (95% confidence interval, 1.4–109.1). There were no differences between the groups in the use of other PD drugs ...
APE 2025将于2025年2月26日至28日在新加坡金沙会议展览中心隆重举行,为期三天的展会将聚焦光通信、精密光学、激光、红外技术、智能传感、量子技术和显示等高科技领域,诚邀各界专家一同参与。此次博览会不仅是行业专业人士寻找新技术和新产品的重要平台,更是了解市场趋势、扩大业务网络的理想场所。
Mavoglurant is under development for the treatment of cocaine use disorder, alcohol use disorder and for language learning in young children with fragile X syndrome (FXS). The drug candidate is ...
NLX-101 (F15599) is under development for the treatment of Rett syndrome and depression. The drug candidate is administered by oral route. The drug candidate is a new chemical entity (NCE). The drug ...
There is no cure for glioblastoma but results of a study show patients experienced improved overall survival after undergoing ...
Nat Clin Pract Neurol. 2006;2(9):482-493.