Moiré superlattices are materials consisting of two layers stacked on top of each other with either a small rotational ...
However the full set of matter particles is the fermions. This has a much greater variety of sub-atomic particles. Some of these rarely exist outside of particle accelerators or major astronomical ...
These belong either to the group of bosons or to the fermions, which form matter. Fermions include electrons and quarks, the basic building blocks of atoms. These tend to repel each other, as they ...
A new study has uncovered important behavior in the flow of electric current through quantum superconductors, potentially advancing the development of future technologies like quantum computing.
Majorana fermions An electrically charged particle is different from its antiparticle as it has the opposite electric charge, and electric charge is a measurable, stable property.
Il existe deux grandes classes de particules élémentaires: les fermions et les bosons. Les fermions sont les particules à spin demi-entier (c'est-à-dire multiple de 1/2): l'électron, le muon, le ...
There are a bunch of puzzle pieces. One is that fermions — those are matter particles like electrons and quarks — interact with space-time in a funny way. If you spin them around once, they actually ...
Researchers have created a cutting-edge structure by placing a very thin layer of a special insulating material between two magnetic layers. This new combination acts as a quantum anomalous Hall ...
Des ordinateurs quantiques plus stables et performants ? Grâce à des travaux d'une équipe de physiciens sur le comportement ...
These nodes occur in pairs with opposite chirality, leading to nontrivial topological properties. The existence of Weyl fermions in these materials was predicted on theoretical grounds and has been ...
隐忧的未来,无根据的现在,超对称的路在何方?超对称理论的未来堪忧。一份对来自强子对撞机结果的分析并未显示任何有关超对称理论的证据。超对称理论认为自然界的基本粒子们通过一种深层关系互相连接。据它预测,新的粒子可能存在于世界上最大的对撞实验中。但一份报告 ...
Le modèle standard classe les particules élémentaires en deux grandes familles : les fermions et les bosons. Formellement, les fermions obéissent à la statistique de Fermi-Dirac et les bosons ...