Commentators have been unanimous in describing Sunday’s legislative election in Austria as a victory for the far-right ...
Thousands of protesters marched in Vienna on Thursday to urge Austria's political parties, particularly the ruling ...
Thousands protested in Vienna urging Austria's ruling conservatives to avoid forming a coalition with the far-right Freedom ...
The conservative People’s Party has left the door open to an alliance with election winners the Freedom Party, which was ...
Austria’s Freedom Party is the latest far-right party to win a European election, as disaffected young voters turn their ...
The Sharjah Electricity, Water and Gas Authority (SEWA) has added a new channel to refund the deposit after closing the ...
Austria's president appealed to all parties in parliament on Wednesday to shun "confrontation" and seek compromises in ...
Austria's president will ask the outgoing conservative-led cabinet on Wednesday to stay on in a caretaker capacity while ...
They are demonstrably bad for the health of the economy. But that will not stop them from winning election and re-election.
奥地利内政部9月30日凌晨公布的初步计票结果显示,由赫伯特·基克尔(Herbert Kickl)领导的极右翼政党奥地利自由党(FPO)在29日举行的国民议会选举中获胜,首次成为议会第一大党。
VIENNA (Reuters) - Luca Pirveli grew up in Austria as the son of Georgian refugees, but the 19-year-old believes immigration ...
The Finance Ministry has deemed the first round of the cash handout scheme as successful at stimulating the economy, as more ...