Everything is bigger in Texas, even bird flu amongst cattle. But while there are concerns for Australian dairy farmers they ...
美国多个州出现了H5N1禽流感疫情重要的是不光家禽中招还出现奶牛感染事件甚至还出现了人感染的病例!当地时间4月1日,得克萨斯州通报一名奶牛场工人确诊感染甲型H5N1禽流感病毒,这是美国第一起人类被哺乳动物传染高致病性禽流感病毒的病例。图源:美国疾病预 ...
越南动物园内近期有47只老虎因禽流感病毒死亡。(互联网照片)(河内4日综合电)越南同奈省芒果园生态区近期发生重大野生动物死亡事件。上月初,这个生态区内的老虎相继死亡,至今已有至少20只老虎与一名豹死亡,且全国动物园共有47只老虎死亡,当中两只老虎的医 ...
A California dairy farm worker who had contact with H5N1-infected cows appears to have contracted the avian influenza virus, ...
Seven people fell ill with flu-like symptoms after contact with someone infected with H5N1, raising fears that the virus has ...
More than a dozen tigers have been incinerated after they contracted bird flu at a zoo, according to state media VNExpress.
The latest developments are highly concerning, as they raise the possibility that the H5N1 virus has evolved the ability to ...
越南2家动物园近期爆发H5N1禽流感疫情,导致47头老虎、3头狮子和1头豹死亡,不过这波疫情暂时还未出现动物传人病例。《卫报》引述越南通讯社报导,这几宗死亡案件是在8至9月发生于南部隆安省(Long An)的私人野生动物园My Quynh,以及同奈省(Dong Nai)的Vuon Xoai动 ...
If you work with dairy cows or other animals that could be infected with H5N1 bird flu, you can take actions to reduce your risk of infection. Watch ...