AAS2025年会将于2025年3月13日至16日在美国俄亥俄州哥伦布市举行。大会旨在通过研讨亚洲各地区的相关议题,推动对亚洲研究的深入理解与教学方面的提升。2024年6月,AAS2025年会发布征稿启事,面向全球学者征集平行论坛方案。经过严格评审, ...
Built in 1500 BC on the west bank of the Nile, the temple of Hatshepsut serves as a spectacular new kind of temple and amazes Egyptologists with its unique design and historical significance.
A US Youth visits the Yulin Caves in Dunhuang, discovering the rich history and cultural significance of this ancient site along China's Silk Road. #silkroadexpo #Dunhuang ...
A speech delivered by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, at a symposium ...
Camionetas blindadas de reconocimiento tipo Ocelot, capaz de resistir impactos de altos calibres y resistencia de explosivos ...
Phung Khoang Church: The Historical and Cultural Symbol of Vietnam Phung Khoang Church, also known as Phung Khoang Cathedral, is a prominent religious and cultural landmark in Vietnam. This historic c ...
"To understand China, the key lies in understanding Chinese modernization." The "Understand China" program produced by People's Daily Online interprets a real, multidimensional and comprehensive China ...
2024年9月19日至22日,国家元首苏丹依布拉欣陛下对中国进行国事访问,为加强马中教育外交提供了绝佳机会。此次访问的一大亮点是将马中两国政府共同设立在北京外国语大学的“马来研究高级访问学者教席”正式更名为“苏丹依布拉欣马来研究高级访问学者教席”,此 ...
Este 15 de octubre, coincidente con el 73 aniversario de la primera emisión de 'I Love Lucy', el icónico comediante tendrá un ...
En Megafarmacia vamos a meter más tecnología para compra y distribución de medicamentos. Habrá guías médicas para proveer de ...
“谁将玉笛弄中秋,黄鹤归来识旧游”,中国传统佳节中秋节刚刚过去,国内外众多传染病与肝病领域的专家学者齐聚江城武汉,出席传染病领域的盛会——人畜共患传染病重症诊治全国重点实验室2024年学术会议暨第六届中部肝病与感染学术会议(CCIFLDI ...