IT USED to be a mark of social status to be “well connected.” One’s network of friends and acquaintances needs only to be mentioned to open doors and secure favors. Fraternities, alumni associations, ...
If a land use proposal is opposed, especially in a suburban or rural town, by a petition signed by hundreds of residents, it is difficult for commissioners to be oblivious; they are importuned ...
Elated with this success, and stimulated by sordid avarice only, he importuned Charles V in 1511, to grant permission to a Flemish merchant, to import 4000 blacks at one time. Thus we see, through the ...
In the myths of Hinduism, the Ganges is a river to be both fought and fought over, to be mastered or importuned. A sage, disturbed in his meditations, razes the sixty thousand sons of a king with his ...
It was mounted in three days, was a success, and became a cult when they begged and importuned their way into an All India Trade Union Session at Talkatora Stadium, and forced a performance on ...