importuned or intentionally aided that person to engage in that conduct, and second, that he did so with the state of mind ...
Miss ARMSTRONG importuned her father not to give it up; when be hesitated, (surrounded by secesh influences as he was,) she asked him, I think, for twelve (12) men, saying she would defend the ...
These men for years were importuned to join hands with those who were stronger and ready to pull them out from their embarrassments and fit them in to be useful in the administration of the ...
The formerly enslaved people at the camp importuned him to write letters helping them find lost relatives. It was an almost impossible task, since they didn’t know the last names their family members ...
Says Fleur: “I couldn’t get around the word. I just had to use it.” After she had dreamed and importuned for two years, Publisher Cowles decided that Fleur was absolutely right. This week, ...
and Mehta’s answer seems to me confused: “To put it bluntly,” he says, students “were importuned to stay away by the same people decrying GW’s new history requirements”: What else ...
IT USED to be a mark of social status to be “well connected.” One’s network of friends and acquaintances needs only to be mentioned to open doors and secure favors. Fraternities, alumni associations, ...
They importuned foundling homes to serve better food, but when they did, their infant death rates hardly budged. Next, the couple compared care at facilities with different death rates.
Bosch sets the scene with élan: The miser is importuned both by an angel to repent and by a rat-faced demon to accept a bag of riches that seems to bulge with coins. Meanwhile, a younger iteration of ...
If a land use proposal is opposed, especially in a suburban or rural town, by a petition signed by hundreds of residents, it is difficult for commissioners to be oblivious; they are importuned ...
As their constituents favored the Commission plan’s purchase scheme, they importuned President Hoover and Secretary Good to switch to that. Secretary Good asked Attorney-General Mitchell for an ...
without being importuned by fellow clan members asking her for money and bewailing their troubles. New Guineans have learned to appreciate the modern urban inventions of opaque bags and trouser ...