However, with the continuous emergence of SARS-CoV-2 Variants of concern (VOC), targeting the spike protein therapy shows a high degree of limitation. The Nucleocapsid Protein (N protein) of ...
Snopes tried to discredit research as a "rumor" when journalist received early results from conference call between researchers and study participants. Spike still detectable in some participants ...
Canceled meetings and limited updates on life-threatening diseases. These are some of the real-world implications caused by sweeping mandates on health agencies.
By targeting surface markers on cancer cells, engineered synthetic receptors expressed on immune cells can be directed to ...
为解决新冠疫苗因病毒变异有效性降低的问题,美国食品药品监督管理局的研究人员开展 SARS-CoV2 刺突和 SARS-CoV 核衣壳联合免疫研究。结果显示联合免疫可保护小鼠但增加肺病理。该研究为新冠疫苗研发提供关键参考,值得一读。
Rodent-borne hantaviruses are associated with two main clinical disorders in humans: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome. Although hantavirus diseases can ...
为解决 Omicron 亚变体导致 RBD 靶向抗体失效的问题,广州医科大学等单位的研究人员开展鲨鱼源纳米抗体研究。他们发现 79C11 能中和多种病毒,且靶向 S2 保守区域。这为研发抗新冠及其他 sarbecovirus 药物和疫苗提供新思路,值得一读。
as previously described (8). RNA was extracted from oral swab and homogenized lung tissue samples. Subgenomic/viral RNA using different primer/probe sets, targeting the viral E gene mRNA or the viral ...
The influenza A virus genome consists of eight segments of single-stranded, negative-sense viral RNA, which encode multiple ...