2 4 A few cases have been reported that involve deficiencies in enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, such as fumarase, or of gluconeogenesis, such as pyruvate carboxylase (PC) or ...
Fluctuation in T cell metabolic levels modulates T cell activation, differentiation, and effector functions to a certain extent. TKT, transketolase; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; PEP, ...
N6-methyladenosine is one of the most common and reversible post-transcriptional modifications in eukaryotes, and it is involved in alternative splicing and RNA transcription, degradation, and ...
为了达到准确的实验结果,取用试剂时应遵守以下规则,以保证试剂不受污染和不变质: (1)试剂不能与手接触。 (2)要用洁净的药勺,量筒或滴管取用试剂,绝对不准用同一种工具同时连续取用多种试剂。取完一种试剂后,应将工具洗净(药勺要擦干)后,方 ...