投资慧眼Insights - 近日台积电公布了亮眼的2024年第三季财报,台积电发说会上魏哲家扬言AI需求很疯狂且不会泡沫化。分析师评台积电财测非常乐观,外资看涨台积电股价最高至1600元。 10月17日周四,全球最大半导体代工厂台积电(2330.TW)交出超预期的第三季经营成绩。台积电第三季营收年增39%、税后纯益和EPS增54.2%,季度每股盈余创历史新高;同时超预期看好第四季营收。 台积电股 ...
Srini Pallia, CEO of Wipro, emphasised that the company continues to see strong demand in markets such as the Americas and APMEA (Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa).
Safe Caledonia is laid up at Scapa Flow, UK, and is scheduled for deployment to the Captain Field, UK, starting Q2 2025. Safe Boreas is laid up in Norway pending relocation in Q2 2025 for a contract ...
Nokia has identified the data centers as a significant growth market, and its CEO remained bullish about the future despite ...
FDJ has reported an 11.9% rise in revenue for its year-to-date, while the group has set out full-year aims after its ...
【环球网科技综合报道】10月18日消息,根据Counterpoint ...
According to a GlobalData research, the travel and tourism industry had an 11% year-over-year (YoY) fall in deal volume. In ...
好于预期!阿迪达斯发布2024年Q3初步业绩,营收同比增10%,阿迪达斯,欧元,阿迪达 ...
As the pioneering division of the esteemed Dubizzle Group, the leading online marketplace plays a pivotal role in connecting ...
On Thursday, 17 October, Publicis Groupe raised its revenue forecast for the second time this year after posting ...
在SUV市场日益细分化的今天,轿跑SUV以其独特的造型和运动性能受到年轻消费者的青睐。最近,海外媒体曝光了一组奥迪全新一代Q3 ...
在当今这个多元化且竞争激烈的汽车市场中,奥迪Q3犹如一颗璀璨的明星,凭借其卓越的综合性能,在众多车型中脱颖而出,成为了消费者心中的理想之选。作为豪华品牌奥迪的入门级SUV,奥迪Q3不仅完美地继承了品牌一贯的高品质与精湛工艺,更在空间设计、性能表现、底盘调校、内饰配置以及性价比等多个维度上,展现出了令人瞩目的非凡实力。其宽敞且舒适的车内空间,满足了家庭出行的多 ...