Photograph taken 1870 - 1900 © Reproduced by permission of Historic England Archive ref: cc97_00178 ...
Arthur William Hobart was an early commercial aerial photographer. By 1938 he had amassed a stock library of around 10,000 images. Our Air Pictures Portleven Collection contains 356 negatives. 242 of ...
Historic England has committed £750,000 towards the restoration of Madeira Terrace in Brighton, East Sussex. The significant grant will help kickstart the renovation of the cast iron arches of the ...
Location of this list entry and nearby places that are also listed. Use our map search to find more listed places. The National Heritage List for England is a unique register of our country's most ...
A Neolithic site under author Thomas Hardy’s house has been protected as a scheduled monument on the advice of Historic England. Published 24 September 2024 The circular enclosure is almost 100 metres ...
This is a text alternative for the Air Pictures Portleven Collection sites map featured on Arthur William Hobart and the Air Pictures Portleven Collection.
This map shows the locations of listed buildings and sites. It doesn't show the full extent of the structures protected by each listing. For more about the extent of ...
Alternative text version for Figure HER 7.2b: a map showing 9 regions in England with their number of Local Lists. Please note that not all District Councils and ...
13th century church with third highest tower in Norfolk at 132 feet withchequered flushwork and arcaded cinquefoil flushwork at base. Earliest fabric is 13th century, the remainder of nave and chancel ...