Custer's attitude towards plains indians was typical of the time. Do you think, if we lived in 19th century US, and wanted a nice sliver of land to settle, we'd accept Indian neighbours? Nope, we'd be ...
The Irish government should be encouraging Exchange traded funds aka ETFs instead of penalising them with 41% tax rates on capital gains and dividends, tax rates far higher than EU countries, as well ...
I'm afraid its already a done deal. It was the price Trump was willing to pay for Zionist cash I never thought I'd hope Russia intervened in anything. The US under Biden or Trump should pay a price ...
"Thirty Jewish organisations have issued a powerful joint statement defending Francesca Albanese, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian Territories, denouncing what ...
...the Maga movement was originally thought to be anchored in the “left-behinds”, but not any more. It is a broad coalition of rich, poor and those in the middle – all angry and gunning for somebody, ...