I'm a professor in the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon. I am also affiliated with the Robotics Institute. I'm interested in multi-agent planning, reinforcement learning, ...
Practical implementations of computational theories of speech and language Making computer speech synthesis as natural, flexible, and efficient as human speech.
I wrote this article in 1994 in response to a request posted to a discussion group. Since then, I've seen it in various places around the Net. This version is essentially the same as the earlier, but ...
The advent of large-scale training has produced a cornucopia of powerful visual recognition models. However, generative models, such as GANs, have traditionally been trained from scratch in an ...
Thread operations include thread creation, termination, synchronization (joins,blocking), scheduling, data management and process interaction. A thread does not maintain a list of created threads, nor ...
Consider the words "man", "woman", "boy", and "girl". Two of them refer to males, and two to females. Also, two of them refer to adults, and two to children. We can ...
The cassette deck market has changed quite a bit in the last few years. Single well decks are becoming rare and 3-head decks are now almost non-existent. The other thing is that most of the decks ...
(This article was written by Bradley Orner, an engineer and former Amway distributor of 3.5 years.) In the past there have been many postings here dealing with the statistics of success in Amway. Here ...
(eq x y) is true if and only if x and y are the same identical object. (Implementationally, x and y are usually eq if and only if they address the same identical memory location.) It should be noted ...
The CMU Navlab group builds computer-controlled vehicles for automated and assisted driving. Since 1984, we have built a series of robot cars, vans, SUVs, and buses. More recent researches of Navlab ...
In Nyquist, all functions are subject to transformations. You can think of transformations as additional parameters to every function, and functions are free to use these additional parameters in any ...