Astronominnen und Astronomen in aller Welt warten zur Zeit gespannt auf das Wiederaufleuchten eines relativ unscheinbaren ...
Rückblick auf ein spannendes Jahr, rund um die Fertigstellung und Inbetriebnahme der LUNA Mondsimulationsanlage von ESA und ...
We are making highly efficient engines even more powerful and researching future propulsion solutions for climate-neutral aviation and power plant turbines for an environmentally friendly energy ...
At DLR, the Institute of Aerospace Medicine forms the interface between high technology and life sciences such as biology, medicine and psychology. Whether in science or administration, we offer ...
At DLR, the Institute of Aerospace Medicine forms the interface between high technology and life sciences such as biology, medicine and psychology. Whether in science or administration, we offer ...
Eine Bewertung des NGT-TAXI wurde auf der Grundlage von zwei Fahrzeugvarianten und zwei Anwendungsfällen durchgeführt. Das innovative Fahrzeugkonzept NGT-TAXI ist ein kurzes, leichtes und modulares ...
Der welt­wei­te Luftraum ist vol­ler Flug­zeu­ge, die auf vor­ge­ge­be­nen Rou­ten un­ter­wegs sind. Das DLR ent­wi­ckelt ver­schie­de­ne Lö­sun­gen, die zu ei­ner nach­hal­ti­gen Ent­wick­lung des ...
At the Institute of Networked Energy Systems, we pursue an overarching goal: We want to make energy transition in the economy and society successful through our research. We develop transformation ...
In the Electrochemical Energy Technology department, electrochemical reactors and storage systems play a key role in shaping our future with renewable energy from the sun and wind. These include ...
DLR researcher Marco Sagliano from the Institute of Space Systems in Bremen has been awarded the ERC Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council for his STARGATE project. November 25, 2024 ...
The Institute of Combustion Technology researches and optimises regeneratively produced fuels and innovative combustion chambers for the energy system of the future. The aim is to minimise pollutant ...