Forskare på Sahlgrenska akademin vill förstå hur kroppen fungerar, förebygga ohälsa och utveckla behandlingar. Vår forskning sträcker sig från experimentell grundforskning om molekylers struktur och ...
Risk of a day without sea ice in the Arctic The climate warms fastest in the Arctic. The sea ice there has become so thin that we could already see the first day… ...
Välkommen till en av Europas ledande statsvetenskapliga institutioner! Här bedrivs forskning och undervisning i statsvetenskap, Europakunskap och samhällsstyrning i ett globalt perspektiv. Vi är en ...
ALF-agreement, Forte, FORMAS, Swedish Heart Lung Foundation, SciLifeLab / Knut and Alice Wallenbergs Foundation, Swedish Research Council, Swedish Social Insurance Agency SCIFI-PEARL is a nationwide ...
We offer interdisciplinary programmes closely connected to internationally renowned research areas, where you develop your theoretical and practical skills in small classes.
The Faculty of Science and Technology has exchange agreements with universities all around the world. We offer courses of high quality in all the major subject areas of the natural sciences, ...
Digital healthcare consultations are not enough for a safe assessment of tonsillitis, according to a study from the University of Gothenburg. Reliability will not be sufficient, thus increasing the ...
The seminar will be held in English. The Centre for Health Governance (CHG) is pleased to invite you to an engaging seminar that delves into two critical studies on socioeconomic disparities in ...
Tillsammans kan vi möta vår tids stora utmaningar och forma morgondagens samhälle. Genom att kombinera naturvetenskapens djupa förståelse för världen med innovativ forskning kring digitalisering och ...
The project aims to support professionals in identifying individuals with intellectual disabilities who are victims of violence by using the Learning Disability Screening Questionnaire (LDSQ). The ...
Samverkan och program. Den akademiska verksamheten vid Göteborgs universitets särskilda mötesplats för samverkan firar 20-årsjubileum! Välkommen till samverkans- och programverksamheten vid Jonsereds ...
A blood test can show whether a new heart is tolerated by the recipient and not rejected. This has been shown in a thesis from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. This means that heart transplant ...