Thesis for Medicine Doctorate at Sahlgrenska Academy, Institute of Clinical Sciences, in the research area of Surgery ...
Looking to make a change? The University of Gothenburg will travel to Mexico to meet with Mexican students in November. We will attend the EuroPosgrados fair in CDMX and León. A chance to talk with ...
Mariam Abbas har precis börjat läsa första terminen på Handelshögskolans juristprogram. Redan innan hon började studera, tog hon initiativet att nätverka på LinkedIn och söka kontakter inom sin ...
The University of Gothenburg Box 100 405 30 Gothenburg Sweden Main Switchboard +46 31-786 00 00 Visiting address Our channels ...
Läkarstudenterna har befunnit sig på landsbygden i Rwanda, inte i huvudstaden Kigali där utbrottet av den dödliga virussjukdomen har sin kärna. Att studenterna kallats hem är en säkerhetsåtgärd, ...
Magnus Lindh's group studies hepatitis B and hepatitis D with a focus on pathogenesis and viral mechanisms. Hepatitis B is a major global health problem despite access to an effective vaccine. Chronic ...
På institutionen för filosofi, lingvistik och vetenskapsteori, FLoV, arbetar våra forskare i många internationella, tvärvetenskapliga projekt som rör teoretisk och praktisk filosofi, logik, lingvistik ...
At the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science researchers work on many international, interdisciplinary projects related to Theoretical and Practical Philosophy, Logic, ...
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management of Intellectual Assets is the study of innovation processes, their determinants and social and economic outcomes. The research encompasses: The actors in ...
Jonas Frey is a new Assistant Professor at Department of Economics at the University of Gothenburg. Johan received his PhD from University of Oxford and his research interests are empirical asset ...
Welcome to the Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition, where you can find out about research and education in the subjects of allergology, pulmonary medicine, diet and nutrition, ...
Sleep researcher Jan Hedner has received one of the field's most prestigious awards. The European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) has named him the recipient of the European Sleep Science Award 2024.