Hematology Research Unit Helsinki (HRUH) is a translational research group, which aims to understand the pathobiology of malignant blood diseases (such as leukemia) and related autoimmune disorders, ...
With Andrey Makarychev and Sergei Medvedev. We warmly welcome you to participate in celebrating the launch of Andrey Makarychev and Sergei Medvedev’s new book "Biopower in Putin’s Russia: From Taking ...
Polku Therapeutics Oy, a spinout from the University of Helsinki, is dedicated to the development of novel disease-halting therapies with the aim of providing new treatment options for ...
Professor of Data Science Antti Honkela investigates privacy-preserving artificial intelligence. When training AI models using sensitive data, it is important to ensure that they do not retain and ...
Helsingin yliopiston tutkijakoulu palkitsi tänä vuonna ensimmäistä kertaa väitöskirjaohjaajia. Ehdotuksia tuli ennätyksellinen määrä. Helsingin yliopiston tutkijakoulu haluaa nostaa esille erityisen ...
University of Helsinki Doctoral School has for the first time awarded doctoral supervisors for their excellent work. Well over a hundred proposals for the awards were made. In order to raise awareness ...
We are pleased to announce that the full programme for the Aleksanteri Conference 2024, titled Resisting Authoritarianism in Eurasia: Civil Society and New Solidarities, is now available on the ...
Aleksanteri-instituutti on Venäjän, Euraasian ja itäisen Euroopan tutkimuksen monitieteinen tutkimuskeskus. Ylläpidämme kotimaisia ja kansainvälisiä tutkimusverkostoja ja edistämme vuoropuhelua ...
I have worked as the Professor of Rural Studies in Social Sciences in University of Helsinki 2005-2013 being specialized with Russian countryside and global food system. I am an emeritus professor in ...
Aleksanteri-konferenssi 2024 Resisting Authoritarianism in Eurasia: Civil Society and New Solidarities järjestetään Helsingin yliopiston keskustakampuksella 23.–25.10. Rekistöityminen yleisölle on ...
Tervetuloa syksyn 2024 tapahtumiin kuulemaan ja keskustelemaan ajankohtaisesta tutkimuksesta! Syksyllä jatkuvat Practice Research Talks ja International Doctoral Practice Research Seminar sekä ...
A recent Finnish study found that pneumonia and severe gastrointestinal complications are more common with the most effective schizophrenia medication than previously thought. These side effects ...