保了任务的安全和成功。阿联酋航天局局长塞勒姆-布蒂-阿尔-库拜斯说,“今天,阿联酋通过采取雄心勃勃的任务并在其空间任务中应用最高的质量和安全标准,在塑造全球空间探索地图方面发挥着决定性作用。”阿尔-库拜斯补充说,“任务设计的最后阶段不仅仅是一个技术步 ...
-  经济部15日宣布,将于10月31日在迪拜举办新一届"非洲对话"论坛,旨在加强与非洲国家的经贸关系。本届论坛由经济部与非洲投资机构"Invest Africa"合作举办,将为探索阿联酋、海湾地区和非洲之间的经济、贸易和投资机会提供重要平台。论坛将汇聚全球企业、投资机构、思想领袖和政策制定者,围绕加强阿联酋与非洲的贸易和投资关系展开讨论。阿联酋是海湾合作委员会国家中对非洲最大的投资者,此次举办论 ...
In November 1976, the United Arab Emirates was on a date with the birth of the Emirates News Agency, as a news and knowledge ...
In November 1976, the United Arab Emirates was on a date with the birth of the Emirates News Agency, as a news and knowledge ...
In November 1976, the United Arab Emirates was on a date with the birth of the Emirates News Agency, as a news and knowledge ...
In November 1976, the United Arab Emirates was on a date with the birth of the Emirates News Agency, as a news and knowledge ...
In November 1976, the United Arab Emirates was on a date with the birth of the Emirates News Agency, as a news and knowledge ...
In November 1976, the United Arab Emirates was on a date with the birth of the Emirates News Agency, as a news and knowledge ...
In November 1976, the United Arab Emirates was on a date with the birth of the Emirates News Agency, as a news and knowledge ...
جة ويتكون بشكل رئيس من غاز الهيدروجين وقليل من الأكسجين والكبريت ويبعد عنا 6 آلاف سنة ضوئية ويحتاج الضوء إلى 70 سنة ليقطعه من ...